No Knead Artisan Bread Recipe

Swiss Meringue Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe


Total Time
9:00 H
  1st Prep Time
0:05 H
  1st Rise Time
8:00 H
  2nd Prep Time
0:10 H
  2nd Rise Time
1:00 H
  Cook Time
0:30 H
  Cool Time
0:30 H
1 loaf
Oven temp
500° F


3 cup
bread flour
2 tsp
1 tsp
quick rise yeast
1.5 cup
lukewarm water


  1. In a large glass bowl, mix together 3 cups flour with 2 teaspoons salt with 1 teaspoon quick rise yeast
  2. Create a dwell in the middle and pour 1.5 cups of lukewarm water into the dwell.
  3. Slowly mix the ingredients. You want the mixture to "just" be wet with no dry ingredients left on the bottom of the bowl. You will probably need to add more water. Add it slowly with 1 or 2 teaspoons of lukewarm water at a time.
  4. Loosely cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let the yeast do its thing overnight.
  5. After a good night's sleep, check your dough and ensure that the yeast has been busy overnight. You should have a bowl that is filled with the dough that has doubled or tripled in size.
  6. Liberally flour your table, flour a rubber spatula and scrap the dough from the bowl onto your floured table.
  7. Lightly flour the dough and pat the dough flat with the spatula into a large square.
  8. If the dough is sticky in sections while flattening, then lightly flour those sections and keep flattening until the dough is a centimetre in thickness.
  9. Using the rubber spatula, scrap and lift the sides inward to create a rough ball.
  10. Cut a square piece of parchment paper and lay flat. Flour your hands and the paper.
  11. Form the dough into a ball and roll the ball in any excess flour on your table.
  12. Place the ball on the parchment paper.
  13. Clean the bowl and lift the dough ball by the parchment paper and the parchment paper with the dough into the clean bowl.
  14. Loosely cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let rise for 1 hour.
  15. In parallel, turn on the oven to 500° and place the empty dutch oven in the oven.
  16. After the rise time, spray the top of the dough with water to ensure that you get a nice brown bread.
  17. Remove the very hot dutch oven from the oven, remove the lid and carefully lift the dough ball by the parchment paper and place the parchment paper with the dough ball in the dutch oven. The parchment paper will brown quite badly so alternatively you can dump the dough ball in the dutch oven and then throw out the parchment paper.
  18. Put the lid back on the dutch oven and place the dutch oven in the oven.
  19. Bake at 500° for 25 minutes.
  20. Remove the dutch oven lid and continue to bake for another 5 minutes.
  21. Take the dutch oven out of the oven, remove the bread from the dutch oven using a metal spatula, and place the bread on a cooling rack.
  22. Wait 30 minutes, slice and enjoy!